Having vaginal yeast does not guarantee getting nipple yeast. Speaking
personally, if I were you, I would definitely cut back on the sugars,
both artificial and natural, add yogurt with *live* culture, and maybe
consider an alternative to monistat: tea tree oil is a highly
concentrated oil with anti-fungal properties, and an RN friend of mine
who suffered from frequent vag yeast infections douched with a diluted
solution just *once* and rid herself of it altogether. I don't have the
info, I remember that it was something like one or two drops in a cup of
warm water (you can check in a book, or ask at the health food store, or
read the package for suggestions!). If you want to be REALLY safe, maybe
your husband can himself in this for a few minutes also? (anyone out
there know exactly how asymptomatic males are normally treated for family
yeast?) Good luck, hope something here is helpful to you.

Lisa Marasco, BA, LLLL, IBCLC
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