Ok after all the stuff I said about the paper here's one from today's paper
to add to the list of GOOD Stuff about BrF:

The Press-Enterprise (Riverside CA)
     New mothers who breast-feed produce lowere levels of stress-relates
hormones than women whose babies arent nutsing, according to new research.
     The study, conducted by doctors at the National Institute of Mental
Health, is believed to be the first to consider the relationship between
lactation and the production of stress hormones. Earlier studies in rats
showed that nursing supresses a variety of physical responces to stress,
including the realease of stress hormones.
   Dr. Margaret Altemus and several colleagues studied 20 women who had given
birth recently. Half were nursing their babies and half were not. Each
underwent a *stress test*. While the stress hormones levels measured before
the test were similar in both groups of women and there was an increase among
all women after the test, the increase was significantlly less among the
wpmen who were breast feeding. The finding was reported in the Journal of
Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.>>>

YEAH a good news Bf study but we already knew that Bf moms were calmer didn't
we? ;-)

Could someone please pick up the article from med line or the journal itself
and pass it or the citation (issue page author etc) on to me?
Marie Davis