I have recently passed the IBCLCE along with 4 others in my community.  We
range in background from M.D. to R.N. to WIC educator.  We are on friendly
terms with each other and have an interest in working together.  We have been
approached by our local hospital about our interest in starting a
breastfeeding clinic, sponsored by the hospital.   Ok,-- so what do we need
to know?  What  kinds of questions should we be asking?  What are the pro's
and con's?  We plan to get together in the next few days to plan our
strategy.  I am interested in any advice that you, as my colleagues, have to
offer.  Is anyone working in this type of situation?  What type of business
arrangements do you have?  Thanks in advance for your feedback!  I am a new
subscriber to Lactnet and WOW-I love it.