It is not just LLL that recommends no cows milk until age 1, but the
American Academy of Pediatrics. At the LLLI conference, I picked up the
Policy Reference Guide of the AAP:

"The Use of Whole  Cow's Milk in Infancy" (RE9251) Committe on Nutrition
        "...the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that infants be
fed breast milk for the first 6 to 12 months.  The only acceptable
alternative to breast milk is iron fortofied infant formula.  ... The
American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that whole cow's milk and low iron
formulas not be used during the first year of life"

"Infants fed WCM have low intakes of iron, lineoleic acide, and vitamin E,
and excessive intakes of sodium, potassium and protein, illustrating the
poor nutritional compatibility of solid foods and WCM.  These nutritient
intakes are not optimal and may result in altered nutritional status, with
the most dramatic effect on iron status. Infants fed iron-fortified formula
or breast milk for the first 12 months of life generally maintain normal
iron status. ...however, recent studies have demonstrated that iron status
is significantly impaired when WCM is introduced into the diet of
6-month-old infants...

Certainly, if supplementation is necessary, formula is preferable to cows
milk.  And my own experience (not supplementing but introducing cows milk at
12 months) is that many children are allergic to dairy. Early introduction
can certainly result in increasing the risk of allergic reaction.  And let
me tell you, it is NOT fun to have to keep all dairy out of our children's

Elizabeth N. Baldwin,  Esq.   305-944-9100  Home office:  305-940-7873  Fax:
E-mail:  [log in to unmask]    or    [log in to unmask]
Attorney specializing in breastfeeding and the law; Leader; LLLI Legal
Advisory Council