Good day all!
Have an interesting question for you researchers and MDs out there.  I know
that adults who were BF as infants have fewer problems with the bad type of
cholesterol.  I was watching a news show this morning and there were two Dr.s
who said that the blood test that is done to check the cholesterol level also
shows the protein that is indicative of Alzheimers Disease.  Evidently, the
level of the can give a percentage of the chance of coming down with
Alzheimers.  The Dr.s said the test was good for finging the genetic marker
of Alzheimers.  My question for the researchers is this:  Do adults who were
BF as infants have LESS of a chance of getting Alzheimers?  Does BF affect
the protein levels that influence Alzheimers like it does the cholesterol

Just a thought.  Any ideas out there?  I find it fascinating that what we are
fed as infants  plays such a part in the staet of our health as adults!

Sacramento, CA