Hi everyone
I just read Karen's post and I certainly knows what she means
about a place for support for "nonbelievers and doubters".
I do think that LLL and other peer support groups are the place
for that type of support and info.  About 15 years ago we put in
the first LLL phone line in Rockland County NY.  It had a very
short outgoing message so we said "information about and support
for breastfeeding".  Although lactnet certainly provides that
for the people who read it I rally think that this isn't the
place for new mothers or others who just want some information.
We cannot be all things for all people and the purpose of lactnet
is to be a forum for "lactation consultants and others who assist
breastfeeding mothers and their babies and/or who promote
I don't know if there is anyplace to send those other
mildly interested people, and I certainly don't mean to say
that they aren't welcome.  It is just that the primary focus
needs to be kept in mind.

Sarah Barnett   LLLL  IBCLC
Bronx NY