Hi All,
I just have to jump in here and add my $ .02.  Lactnet does not, IMHO, need
to be divided into two boards, or made more 'professional' or changed in any
way.  The welcoming letter for Lactnet states, and I qoute:  "It is for LC to
LC support, or Nurse to LC support, or MD to IBCLC support, etc."
The word support has many meanings.  It can mean reaffirming medical info.
  It can mean clarifying info on BF techniques.  It can mean giving advice on
troublesome cases.  It can also mean letting someone vent when they've had a
particularly BAD day, dealt with a pain of a ABM Rep, or giving oneself a pat
on the back for a job well done and sharing that with all.  This group, to
me, is so important in so many ways, that to change it in any way would be a
great disservice to us all.
If people want to have a purely clinical board, that's great!  But it would
be little help to those of us who have little or no medical background.  The
terminology is just too confusing!  This forum has taught me much about
different ideas, outlooks, cultures, and practices concerning breastfeeding
and the art of helping moms to continue breastfeeding in the face difficult
problems.  It has allowed me to interact with people I would have little
chance of ever interacting with.  (ie: K. Bruce, K. Auerbach, M. Biancuzzo,
K. Dettwyler, T. Hale, P. Fleiss, and many many others!)  This board has the
distinction of being quite diverse in its members.  Among the many LCs, we
have RNs, MDs, Attnys, WIC folks, RDs, and who knows who else?  What a boon
of possible information!  I have learned more about cranial/sacral therapy in
the last week, and I never had even heard of it a few months ago!  We learn
many new options in helping the moms and babies we deal with.  More, I
believe, than we could by taking classes and going to seminars.  We get info
that is up to date and timely and we get references to go with the info!  How
many of us can say that we could have gotten all the wonderful info on
Lactnet in a seminar or class?  There is no possible way to get all the info
I have learned here in one class, even if it was a two week class!
People have the right to feel how they want to feel about Lacnet.  But, this
board has become like an extended family to many of us.  We feel comfortable
and safe sharing our frustrations, trials, and personal stories here on
Lactnet.  I know that when I shared my personal Hell of a beginning BF
experience with my 13 mo old, I was  warmly recieved, treated with respect
and love, and was genuinely supported in expressing my feelings.  Because of
that treatment, I was able to get past some road blocks in dealing with my
emotions re: that time in my life.  I am a stronger person for it, and I
belive that I will make a much better LC to those I will be counceling in the
As a final comment, this board, this group of people has touched many lives.
 Not only the lives of the members, but the lives of the people we help.
 Yes, there is a lot of mail, and a lot of comments and opinions, but that is
what we are here for.  We care about each other, and it shows.

Take care all!  And thanks for letting me be me, and for listening to my

LC2B and soon-to-be CLE (Who has started her CLE course and is LOVING it!)