Hi, my name is Irene Ford.  I am LLLLeader, mother of 8 year old twin boys and
a 5 year old daughter.  I have really enjoyed lurking for the last week.

I had a question put to me by another Leader.  She had talked to a mother of
premature twins, now 3 months old.  Due to Breast surgery in the past, one
breast is non-functional.  Up until 2 weeks ago, the mother was able to feed one
baby at the breast and pump milk for the other.  The mother was treated for
Mastitis and given Cloxacillin. The mother reported that she noticed the drop in
her supply and has had to supplement the non-breastfeeding baby with ABM.

Is it possible that the drop in her supply is related to the Cloxacillin?

The Leader did ask about any changes in the Breastfeeding baby's
schedule or the pumping schedule.  The mother reported that since
the treatment of the  mastitis started both Breastfeeding and
pumping has been more frequent.


Irene Ford, LLLLeader