I am quite intriqued by the rebirthing bath concept.  I am, however,
always up against the mom who can't take a tub bath and/or the baby
wiht an umbilical cord still on.  Today's case also has a 12 day old
Csection suture line to contend with.

What safety precautions (in terms of infection control) have others
thought of or used?  Please share.

I thought:
Have someone else scrub tub well, rinse well, prior to bath.
Have mom shower just prior to bath.
Wash baby, especially in diaper area, very well prior to bath.
After bath, consider an antibiotic ointment over healed suture line
    (get OB approval first, suture line should be at least sealed, if
    not all the way healed)
After bath, use alcohol liberally on cord stump to promote quick

I am very leary of moving so far away from established standards of
care (No tub baths for mom for X weeks past vaginal delivery or Y weeks
after Csections, no tub baths for baby while cord still attached).
Otherwise, I love the idea of rebirthing baths.  Trouble is everyone
I've felt could benefit from it had the infection risks mentioned

What to do? what to do....
Carla (just north of Washington, DC where tub baths are anathema for
most postpartum moms and newborn babes)