I really enjoy hearing stories, limericks, and jokes about breastfeeding.
I feel overloaded with the technical and to be able to see or share the
lighter side is uplifting- the pediatric office I work in really enjoyed the
joke about bumps on areolas and they know I'm totally serious about
   So now I will share one- When my daughter was a nursing toddler I asked
her where she thought that good milk came from. She replied "Outer Space".
Her brother was evesdroping and jumped right in "She must mean the Milky
    A few years later I heard (but have never been able to find this in a
reference) that the Milky Way was named that because it was supposed to
represent a stream of drops from Venus' breast during a let down.
    If anyone else has heard this and it is a fact I would like to know!
               Debby Kearney IBCLC in Orlando