I haven't gotten my copy of the form letter from Women's Day yet, but when I
do you can be sure that I will send write back a letter of protest.  Not
only are almost all women eventually going to have children, but the
information published in these magazines doesn't just go in through the eyes
of the reader and then get locked in their brain.  People share their
knowledge with friends, co-workers, relatives, etc.  Men, women who are
never going to have kids, and women who have already had kids that they
bottle-fed are all capable of reading an article about how breastfeeding
protects women and their daughters against breast cancer and being persuaded
to be more supportive of their daughters, daughter-in-law, friends, and
relatives.  The argument from Women's Day is ludicrous, and we should all
let them know that we think so!

Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.                         email: [log in to unmask]
Anthropology Department                               phone: (409) 845-5256
Texas A&M University                                    fax: (409) 845-4070
College Station, TX  77843-4352