Cathy Liles and I are putting together an article on "The Question of Guilt"
as it pertains to breastfeeding and doctor's advice.  Please send me your
thoughts and comments by private e-mail.  I would also appreciate copies of
any ads (print copies) or things you see on TV, hear on the radio where
guilt is used as a motivating force in other arenas of health care.  Here in
Texas we have radio ads about not using car seats for infants, and drinking
during pregnancy that are incredibly high on the guilt scale.  Also, the
copy of Prevention magazine that includes the survey on breast cancer
prevention (with no mention of bf, my letter is going out this morning) has
an ad showing an adorable baby with the overprinting "The only thing worse
than having your baby die of AIDS is knowing you could have prevented it."
At the bottom they urge pregnant women to get tested for HIV because there
are drugs pg women can take that reduce the chance of passing the virus on
to the fetus/newborn.  Why not one for SIDS, where the small print at the
bottom says "Breastfeeding, co-sleeping, back sleeping position, and not
letting anyone smoke around your baby all reduce the risk of your baby dying
of SIDS."

My home address (for print ads/please include source/date) is:

2905 FM 2223
Bryan, TX 77808


Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.                         email: [log in to unmask]
Anthropology Department                               phone: (409) 845-5256
Texas A&M University                                    fax: (409) 845-4070
College Station, TX  77843-4352