Kudos to WOrking Mother Magazine.

Page 12 of the October 1995 issue in the life and style section focuses on
breast Cancer since it is October and it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Under a short articel of "How to beat the odds" it lists:
>maintain normal weight
>get  regular exercise
>Breast-feed your baby.  Awoman who breast-feeds her baby has a 20 to 30
percent lower chance of developing premenopausal breast cancer than a mother
who uses the bottle, according to a University of Wisconsin study.
>Don't Smoke
>Drink Moderate, if at all.
Their address is:
Working Mother
230 Park Ave.,
New York, New York 10169

Now if we can just get them to help women's and child's health further by not
putting in the ads for tobacco (p.29) and ABM (p.67, 105).