The only contraindication to breastfeeding with TB is active untreated
TB.  After active tuberculosis is treated for two weeks, breastfeeding
can be resumed.  In this case, we don't even know if the mother has TB at
all, and if she has been exposed to her relative's case, she still may
only have a positive PPD and not currently have the disease.  I believe
that in a case like this, doing an X-ray on the mother during the third
trimester can be done, since that would guide treatment.  Remember, while
she is pregnant, she could be exposing the baby through the placenta.  So
it is best to determine whether or not she has active infection.
If she is a "converter", i.e. she was PPD negative and now is PPD
positive with a negative chest x-ray, she needs 6 months of INH, and
should be able to breastfeed.  If she has active TB, then it is essential
to start treatment, and as mentioned above, breastfeeding is OK after two
weeks of treatment.  Hope this helps.  Alicia. [log in to unmask]