Robin:  It's been demonstrated that even insulin-requiring diabetics have
lower insulin requirements while breastfeeding. I don't have the
references, but Lawrence's text "Breastfeeding: A guide for the medical
profession" 1994 CV Mosby, has an excellent review of the issue.  There
is no guarantee that this mother won't still need insulin, but if she
does, it is best that she stay on insulin, which does not affect the baby
at all, than switch to micronase (glyburide) or other sulfonylureas,
whose effects on babies are less well known.  In any case, whether or not
she will eventually need insulin, she is probably less likely to if she
breastfeeds.  One of the important factors in adult onset diabetes
control is staying at one's optimal weight, and breastfeeding mothers
tend to lose more weight than bottle feeding moms. Hope this helps.
Alicia.  [log in to unmask]