The mother of the 2 year old complains that her daughter began "clenching"
uncomfortably during nursings about 1 1/2 weeks ago.  It isn't biting, and
it happens at night as well as during the day.  The child is in daycare 3
days a week, as of early Sept.  She is eczema- and ear infection-prone; no
specific allergens identified.  She had a brief case of sniffles when the
clenching started, but her mom doesn't think she has a current ear
infection. The clenching is worse on one side than the other.  The girl is
quite verbal.  Mom eats some dairy, not much.


TIA  Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC, LLLL Ithaca, NY

(My best compliment ever, delivered from a shopping cart in the A&P
parking lot, out of the blue:  "Mommy, your nipples are nicer than nobody