It's shocking to hear that YOUR business is dropping. I live in a rural area
and have a full service practice that I was hoping someday would turn into a
3/4 time venture. I'm currently researching to do a business plan to guide
me and I'm realizing there simply aren't enough babies born where I am to
make a viable LC business (only about 300/year within a 1 1/2 hour driving
radius). So, I'm looking to other sources of income for my
practice--contracts for classes, postpartum classes, etc. I have no
competition (nearest LC/pump station is 2 hours away), just no babies!

Good luck on overcoming this. We can't afford to have people like you (which
others like me look up to and NEED) going out of business!

Leslie Ayre-Jaschke, BEd, IBCLC
Peace River Breastfeeding Clinic
Peace River Alberta, Canada