I have a neighbor, 78, who is very sweet. An old farmer curmudgeon here in
Vermont. She lives alone, and today she had gall bladder surgery. A few
weeks ago, she was on the Maternity floor with a gallbladder attack. For
lack of space, they put her on Maternity.

One of the nurses who knows me, decided to give me a hard time. When I
called to check on my friend, they said she was fine...but it was HELL
trying to get her to breastfeed!

Kathleen B. Bruce, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader (7 yrs),
Co-Owner Lactnet,  E-Mail = [log in to unmask]
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html
The fifth commandment is "humor thy father and mother"