Christine, I liked your response to Laura.  My youngest son was weaned at 22
months because of my surgery (ileostomy).  The night before surgery, my son
slept close to my mother.  In the middle of the night he wanted to be
consoled thru nursing.  He stroked her breast, then stroked her face like a
blind child and soon realizied this woman was not his nursing mom.  He cried
and my mother brought him to me.  While I was in ths hospital, he would
stroke my mother's fleshy arms and was soothed.  My mother gave up smoking
while with me, she understood Addison. Addison is 4 and still likes to stroke
fleshy arms, especially when he was comfortable sitting next to his nursery
school teacher while she was reading stories, they mentioned how nice it was
having him show his affection.  Funny how Addison, would sit close but never
returned to BF.
I too, did not have any engorgement.
Addison likes watching my BF tapes when i review them. He speaks of BF again
& then realizies not really.  I think he likes what he sees on the tape.
 Comforting, soothing, loving and special one on one.  By the way, my eldest
Brandon,9 will say BF is gross but settles down beside me and watches too.
 He quickly answers Addison's BF questions, surprisingly correctly. Both of
my son proudly announces to anyone who ask what I do, that I teach BF.
Latch on to Life...karen