I don't claim to have many answers on this.  I have been working individually
with teens in a clinic for several months now.  (I always have worked with
teens, just not en masse).

These are the things I have been saying that seem to be getting their

Oh, you're (how old).... you  have the ability to cut your risk of developing
breast cancer roughly in half just by breastfeeding before you are 20!  It
also decreases the risk of other kinds of cancers for both you and your baby.
Breastfeeding will help your stomach go back to normal sooner.

Do you like to do dishes?  Neither do I.  With breastfeeding, you don't have
to do any dishes.

You know, a lot of moms sleep with their babies.  Do you plan to sleep with
yours?  Well, if you do, you won't have to get up when the baby wants to eat.
 All you have to do is pop your breast into your baby's mouth and you can
conk back out.  ANYthing you can do in your sleep has MY vote!

Did you know that if you could buy human milk for your baby that you would
have to pay $2.75 PER OUNCE?  Since most babies require about 24 ounces per
day, that means the  human milk you feed your baby would cost $66 PER DAY!
 (For some reason, putting a monetary value on the milk seems to appeal to

Have you heard that breastfeeding hurts?  Well, if you don't eat with a fork
the right way, it also hurts.  If you stick a fork into your lower lip, the
lip will get sore and you won't get fed.  If breastfeeding hurts, you get
sore and the baby probably isn't getting fed, so no one wins.  Here, let me
show you where your  nipple goes in the baby's mouth (this is done
prenatally).  STart your tongue just behind your front teeth.  Now drag your
tongue over the hard palate until you feel the real soft part in the back of
your mouth.  THAT is where your nipple goes in your baby's mouth.  If you are
going to get your nipple in the "back 40" of your baby's mouth, your baby
will have to open wide like a comic book character drops his jaw (I
demonstrate).  They seem to get it and are relieved.  Often I will say: " If
you hear someone tell you that it is normal for breastfeeding to hurt, it
probably is a comment on their ability to teach it." (TOUCHE!)

In the past week, I have had 2 moms tell me they want to breastfeed.  They
bottle fed with their first baby but tried breastfeeding at home.  One said
it hurt and when I told her the stuff above, she figured out why it hurt and
now wants to try again.  I have decided to add this little bit (about where
the nipple goes) to my standard teaching.  That way, if someone decides to
try at home, they will at least have a marginal amount of technique floating
around their neuronal pathways.

Hope this helps (at least you might get a chuckle out of it!)

Queen Silver Words
AKA Martha Brower (AKA is also known as)