Current status of nomination of Miriam Labbok, MD, MPH as Surgeon General is
as follows:
As promised, here is an update on this process. After meeting with Campaign
Consultation, it was decided that the best way to move forward was to form a
broad base coalition to work jointly on the process. With vacations and the
close down of many groups during the month of August, this was not possible.
The National Alliance for Breastfeeding Advocacy did submit a letter of
recommendation for nomination to the President on August 16, 1995. We
received a response on August 22, 1995.

The reason for the broad base coalition is to demonstrate that Dr. Labbok is
not just a one isue person and that she has a very broad base of support,
which includes groups not commonly affiliated with each other. We felt that
this is extremely important since the congress is considering eliminating
funding for this position altogether, and the President does not want to go
to Congress and lose again.

What can you do? Barbara Heiser has copies of Dr. Labbok's short resume as
well as her full CV for anyone needing them. She also has address of where to
send recommendations. This is essential since all information needs to be
accurate. Please contact Barbara via e-mail, fax, phone, or mail at:
Barbara Heiser
9684 Oak Hill Dr
Ellicott City, MD 21042-6321
Tel: (410) 995-3726
Fax: (410) 992-1977
e-mail: [log in to unmask]

The most effective timing for a ground swell of support will be after we have
done some coalition building (probably after Thanksgiving). What is currently
needed is letters of recommendation from organizations, the greater the
variety of their interests and constituency, the better. Look outside of your
normal breastfeeding friends and see if you have ties to other organizations
that might be willing to consider submitting her name if you provide tham
with information. Another aspect is for predominantly male organizations to
set forth her name. So now is the time to involve your husband, male friends
and co-workers, fathers, brothers, etc. Have them provide any contacts in
such organizations with pertinent information and their recommendation.

We are facilitating the formation of a broad base coalition now. If you have
strong feelings about a group or person that should be part of this group,
please let us know as soon as possible. Also, please let us know if you or
someone you know very well has the listening ear of a congressperson. We need
to know this information as soon as possible.

We will keep you posted as the process continues. Feel free to contact us if
you need more specifics. Thanks for your help and interest in this project.
Hopefully, with these efforts now, we will have the opportunity for a major
ground swell of letters of support before the end of the year. So be ready to
spread the word in every way possible!