Hi, fellow LCs.  I'm an LC from Dallas, Texas and this is my first
Lactnet question.  I received a call from a mother who is nursing a 1year old
and a 3 year old and is in the process of having her fillings removed because
of her concern about mercury poisoning.  Her questions are:1.  while
filllings are being removed, what precautions should be taken while
nursing.(one doctor said she should not nurse for 24 - 48 hours) .  2.  After
all the fillings are removed, is it necessary for her to take theDMPS (which
is supposed to bind with the mercury and help it pass out of her system). 3.
Will the mercury pass out through her milk as well as her urine? 4. Would
DSMA be a better drug to take for this purpose.    I realize that this is not
a common question for LCs but this is not the first mother who has called me
about this in the last few years...Anybody got any ideas?