Well here are two questions I have both concerning the same mother. 1) Baby
premature but goes home in 24hrs. then develops jaundice with a count of 20,
Mom stops BF for 24hrs. then resumes, no problem. Baby regains BW by 3weeks
of age.Baby nurses only 4-5 x/day and sleeps 13hrs. at night. Baby adamantly
refuses to nurse more frequently and while she gains weight slowly has never
lost weight(is 31/2 mo. old and weighs 10 lbs.) What do all you lactnetters
think (if it's not broken don't fix it or what)? Next, 2) Mother asked me
about tandem nursing and when I questioned her further (baby 3 1/2 mo.) it
turns out she just found out she has a prolapsed uterus and the Drs. said if
she wants another child she should have one soon but that probably the next
pregnancy will only go to 28 weeks if she is lucky. I told her that tandem
nursing  was probably risky given the history of premature labor and the
current condition of her uterus but she has alot of diffucult decisions to
make, any thoughts?

Robin in PA...