An engineer and industrial designer, who is also a
          breast-feeding mother, has contacted me about a simple
          manual breast pump, which she has designed and partially
          developed, and describes as "much more effective, and
          requires much less strength than most pumps.  It is also
          easy to clean and to keep sterile, having few parts ...
          Being very simple and operating without electricity, I have
          reason to believe that the design would be particularly
          useful in developing countries ... where breast-feeding
          mothers often have to work.  The design has received a lot
          of support from breastfeeding experts in hospitals and
          universities ...  To date the work has been completely
          unfunded but there is still development work to be done,
          particularly to determine the most suitable material and
          small details of the final form which are dependent on this.
          I would need about 3 working months to complete this work,
          and I am now looking for funding for this final
          development".  Any suggestions for this woman could be sent
          to me privately, and I would be pleased to pass them on. TIA

          Jim Akre, Nutrition unit, WHO, Geneva