In answer to requests for child words for breastfeeding.

My first child called it "special time"---I encouraged this as I learned it from
a friend LLLLeader.   My second one sometimes called it "special time" but
generally just said "nurse" or "nurse now".   My third child seems to have
reverted back in history because she called it "beast" or "beasties" as in "I
want beastie now".

As my children weaned (as in completely stopped bf) when early school age, there
was much verbalization regarding breastfeeding.  I was told that you had to
stick your tongue out to nurse; that my milk was good;  that my milk had too
much sugar in it;  and my son explained to my parents, in a matter-of-fact way,
that he could not nurse when they were keeping him because "nobody around here
don't got no breasts" (my mother had been checked out in that department; she
had had a massectomy some years earlier)!

Pardee Hinson, MPH, IBCLC
Charlotte, NC