Hi, folks! I just wanted to say thanks for the words of encouragement for the
mom who is anticipating the csect delivery of her spina bifida daughter. I
talked to her this evening and it was a good time to call. Seems she is not
going to last the 2 weeks to her original date, and is trying to schedule a
csect for in the morning(Tuesday). She is in good spirits, and appreciated the
kind words of support and encouragement. I asked her how old her other kids are
and she said 14, 10, 7, and 4 (2 are step children). She has a friend who had a
spina bifida baby 10 years ago who nursed her baby, and no doubt they will be
great comfort to each other.

Hearing her story, and many of the other stories here on Lactnet makes me even
more appreciative of the healthy kids I have been blessed with and puts some of
the nuisance problems in perspective.

On the subject of names for nursing, when Dan was a baby, when he would want to
nurse, I would say "okay" (I said that a lot--when I taught, my high school
students would sometimes count the times I said it--the more wound up I was, the
more times I said it!!). He started calling it "Hokey" which for some unknown
reason I corrupted into "Hokey Pokey" and he in turn picked that up. Made for a
few quizzical looks the first time his kiddie gym class announced it was time to
"do the Hokey Pokey"!!

When Merrilee came along, Dan was just almost 4 and Hokey Pokey was still a part
of the household vocabulary (tho he weaned--stopped breastfeeding
completely!--about 3 months into the pregnancy). Merrilee corrupted it once more
to "Po-Po." That stuck all the way until she quit at 4 1/2. (She was down to
once an LLL Meeting for the last 3 months or so--fortunately I was able to hold
her off until after the meetings!)

For whoever started the "what did you call it" train, thanks for the mammories!

Melissa Vickers, IBCLC
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