Hi Laurie,

I've used an inverted syringe in my practice to pull out nipples, and it
works beautifully.  I teach the mom how to do it, and she uses enough
pressure to pull out the nipple, but reduces the pressure if it hurts.  Since
the diameter of the syringe is so small (and I use either a 12 cc or a 20
depending on the size of the nipple), it is far more effective at pulling out
the nipple than the pump.  There will be comments from some that it isn't FDA
approved for nipple sucking.  Guess I will personally take my chances and do
what works, rather than wait for the wheels of the FDA to grind ever so
slowly.  The nipplette has been out several years, but not yet approved by
the FDA for use in the US, so you can only get it in the UK, Israel,
Canada....  If you are concerned about legalities, if it isn't approved for
use in the US, you can't use it in the US.  There was an excellent article in
the JHL, March, I think, of 91? 92? re the use of the inverted syringe.

Jan B.