For the mom with recurrent stabbing, burning pain and nipple blisters,
 this sounds like thrush to me. I have worked with similar recurrent
problems and at this point focus on 3 things-1. secondary involvement
of excema or bacterial infection, possibly with a referral to a
dermatologist, 2. hand washing after hand/mouth, mouth/breast/,
hand/bottom contact, etc. this seems to help break the cycle. 3. look
for the source of the yeast- common culprits have been bras, towels,
bathing suits, nightgowns, sheets, rubber nipples, pacifiers, nursing
pads, cloth diapers, baby toys, car seat straps that baby gnaws on
etc.  In many cases we have tracked down the source and eliminated it
and things have cleared up.  Some moms have needed oral as well as
topical medication and wiping baby's mouth with a little nystatin
after every feeding has been helpful to others. I have also seen some
other non-thrush fungal infections that have been tenacious.  Good
luck.  Cathy