An Aussie, in the UK lurks on LACTNET
A Trainee BFC, remote as I could get
I read all you MD's
PhD's and LC's
As a resource, got to say it "YOU'RE THE BEST YET"

Thanks for all your brilliant comments and information.  While you reach out
superspace arms to hug each other, I feel included too.  My husband is sooo
jealous of all my email  "Boobmail", he calls it.  I know that the digests are getting
bigger but I think the camaradarie (spp) demonstrated through posts reinforces
and supports those who are remote one way or another.  When I contact my
trainee Doula in Australia, she is very interested to hear of  discussions that I
have been following on LACTNET;  and agrees that it helps keep me focused on
my training as contact with National Childbirth Trust in the UK is rather ad hoc.
NCT probably has more similar training schemes to NMAA than LLL, and LLL
group here is much further away

| carmel Barber    EMail [log in to unmask]