I would like to hear from  Public Health Nurses (especially in Canada)
about what kind of services you offer to breastfeeding mothers. In
Ottawa-Carleton, we have Drop-in clinics mothers can attend for help with
problems (they're in a different location every day - such as community
centres and parent resource centres and hospitals).  They are staffed
maily by public health nurses (I'm also IBCLC), RN's in the hospital
settings  and some IBCLC's and LLL volunteers.

We also are able to do home visits to mothers with problems who are unable to
get out (this is part of our parent child health program - no M.D. referral).
Our Home Care program pays for home visits to mothers who need significant
help with breastfeeding- this is by physician referral.

In addition we have an Info Line Monday to Friday during business hours to
handle any parent/baby questions but most are related to breastfeeding.
Prenatally, we have a breastfeeding class for interested parents above and
beyond our usual postnatal series.

I'm particularly interested in the postpartum services provided by your
agency- home visits, breastfeeding groups- where they're held and how often.


Maureen Kennedy PHN IBCLC