Fellow Lactnetters:

I need some help with a mom who has very sore nipples.  Her baby is now 4
weeks old, and this is her 3rd baby.  Mom reports that soreness/sensitivity
has not improved at all with time.  She had no problem with previous babies,
and is a well-informed nursing mom.  There does not appear to be a latch-on
problem, there seems to be no yeast, and changing feeding positions has given
her no relief.  Mom has not been on antibiotics.  She claims that her nipples
were noticably more sensitive during this pregnancy.   Baby is having plenty
of wet/dirty diapers, and seems satisfied with feedings.

What could be causing this soreness?  Any suggestions for help?  She prefers
not to use anything for pain.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Also...when do we get our IBCLC results?  I took the exam in Salt Lake City

Janet Radford Bergeson, RN, MS