I would like to take a poll.  Please email me PRIVATELY if you know the
status of your state with regard to PUMP rentals for ill/sick/preemie babies
or mothers...and Medicaid pump rentals.

I will tally things up..and give the results out.

Vermont DOES cover pump rentals in medically necessary situations..for 3
months. They do not, however, fund any sort of hand pump for low income
working mothers..and this grieves me and many other people, including public
health nurses who have voiced this grievance to me. The bureaucratic system
seems to support and engender the feeding of abm...(no flames here please. I
know that WIC personnel do a great job with breastfeeding promotion. )

Money isn't everything. You get the same result with a checkbook-Salada
Kathleen B. Bruce mother, BSN, IBCLC, LLL Leader (7 yrs),
Co-Owner Lactnet,  E-Mail = [log in to unmask]
LACTNET WWW site: http://www.mcs.com/~auerbach/lactation.html