I wrote yesterday but the message never showed up on my digest so I am
assuming that it did not send.
 I have a client and sister who needs to have a GB Xray. They have told her
to take TELEPAQUE 500mg X 6 before the Xray.  We have not been able to obtain
any consistent info about this drug.  Does any one have any info on this
She has been told to "pump & dump" for anywhere from 2 days to 7 days.  She
is willing to pump for 2 days but not for 7 days.  Is there any alternative
to this medication that would be more breastfeeding friendly  or  a different
type of test ????
She has already had an US and the results were inconclusive.

By the way, I really enjoy the Lacnet, I finally don't feel so all alone out
here in East Texas!!!!!   I especially enjoy Katheryn D. (sp) for Texas A&M's
 discussion's. but Katheryn you really need to make that place breastfeeding
friendly  I have a patient who rented a pump from me for months and a battery
pack because the only place she could pump was in her truck..

                                                               Please send
answer about the GB drug ASAP    Thier insurance is about to run out and if
she needs surgery, she needs to get this done quickly.

                                     Kellie Richardson RNC IBCLC   Longview,