Dear friends,

I have to add my $.02 worth on a few subjects.
1)  Dr. going to work.  I have worked with many doctors going to work.  I
usually try to give mothers many choices especially on which breast pump to use.
I find I can not do this with doctors.  These women need the best.  They need a
double pump system.  I usually have them try the one they can buy, N --III, If
that doesn't work, they need to rent.  I had one emergency room doctor get so
good at holding the pumps, she could chart and not loose any time (I don't
recommend this).  It did work for her.  The important thing is to have them pump
what I call quickies.  They can not let themselves get over full.  The doctor
will have a harder time pumping and is more likely to get plugged.  When she is
on call she needs to pump when she has time even if it is not time to pump.  She
can take 10-15 min. to keep things flowing.  Hope this helps.

2)  Early menarch.  Well I have to tell you that I do not think breastfeeding
has much to do with this.  I did start when I was 11.5 years and expected my
daughters to do the same.  My oldest daughter breastfed for 3+ years.  I loose
track.  She was a synchronized swimming swimmer.  She did not start menses until
she was 15 years.  My youngest daughter breastfed for 3+ years. She started
before her brain was ready (age 10).  She has never been into a lot of physical
activity.  I do think that fat stores has something to do with it.

3)No latch.  You have been given a lot of good ideas however I want to add one
other.  When a baby doesn't latch in the first few hrs. to day, some of these
kids need a little time to figure it out.  The best advice that was given to me
years ago is that the next window of learning comes right around 3 weeks.  I
always tell my parents that they are the teachers and this teaching might take a
good 3 weeks.  If the baby latches earlier, great; if the baby takes awhile, the
parents are relaxed about the wait.  Good luck.

Diane Herforth, BAE, IBCLC, ICCE (I passed)
Tacoma WA