    I've been lurking for several weeks now throughly enjoying all the
information that has come my way.  However, now is the time to come out of my
protective shell and make a formal introduction.
    I am Robin Musial from Columbus Indiana.  I have been and RN for 12 years,
working since graduation at our local county (turned regional center) hospital
in the reg. nursery/ICNSY level II.  With the restructure of our hospital the
birthing center changed it's concept to LDRP (mother-baby couplet care) with 24
hour rooming in,discharge in 8 hours if desired, and in-home postparteum visit
48-72 hours after discharge,etc.
    After the birth of my second child, during the course of nursing her I
developed plugged ducts and mastitis at 3 different times while nursing her for
a short 8 months.  After receiving that "you idiot, don't you now anything about
breastfeeding" looks from my OB physician
as he ordered another round of antibiotics, I vowed to become as educated as
possible about breastfeeding so that I could be a resource for other moms in our
community.  After several years of self study and attending numerous conferences
I sat for and passed the board in 1991.  Since passing the IBCLE board I have
been doing volenteer consultations for patients at the hospital and per MD
request.  We hope to have a half time LC postion in place by the first of the
year at the hospital.
    My only regret as a breastfeeding mom is wishing I had had the wealth of
knowledge I now have prior to nursing my two kids.  There is no doubt that we
would have continued nursing much longer.
    Looking forward to the continued wealth of information that comes my way
through this computer wonder. Bye!
Robin Musial RN, BSN, IBCLC
(mom of Bryan 9y and Julie 7y)