Help!  We need info ASAP!
 After attending the AAP/LLLI meeting in Chicago, and watching the video on
cup-feeding, we have started cup feeding some babies who are hesitant to
begin nursing (or are having other temporary difficulties) at the breast.
 We've had wonderful success, and I have been amazed at how simple it is.
Today, our supervisor said that one of our pediatricians came to her office
and complained that we had not okayed this through them, and he had great
concerns about  what we are doing - so much so that he may not send anyone
else to us.
Specifically, the pediatricians want data and other supportive evidence
(journal articles, etc.) showing that this is a legitimate way to feed
infants.  Also, where can I get a copy of the video on cup feeding?
Thanks in advance for your help.

Janet and Arly, LCs at Logan Regional Hospital, Logan, UT