Hi all,

What has been your experience with nipple everters?  LCs in my area use an
adapted 10cc or 20cc syringe and suction out the inverted nipple.
 Personally, I've never used this.  Would like to hear pros, cons, case
reports, etc from you all.

Also, an LC friend of mine reported on a "dimple ring" (nipple ring?) used
for keeping an abnormal nipple (e.g. folded nipple) held a certain way after
a feeding so that it dries and does not stay wet and get sore. This one is
new to me.  What about this device, folks?

I so enjoy getting an education via Lactnet, although I don't get to bed til
12 MN.

Good night,
Laurie Wheeler, Rnc, Mn, Ibclc
Violet LA (suburb of New Orleans)