Can you believe it?  Now a water company has gotten into the baby w/bottle
thing!  I was so surprised this morning while watching TV and nursing Ben to
see a C-l-g-n water commercial.  It showed several reasons to buy their
bottled water and who uses it and one of the scenes was a supposed newborn in
the hospital getting a bottle of water!!   Now, far be it from me to suggest
that a healthy newborn shouldn't need water in the first place, but why
couldn't they have shown the new mom NURSING the baby and DRINKING the water
herself???  I think that would have been much more appropriate!  How often
does a healthy newborn need water anyway?  According to my info, never!  I'm
going to find out their number and find out who their advertising people are
and tell them what I think of their commercial in regards to that one scene.
 Anyone want to join in?
Sacramento, CA
LC2B!  :)