Hi Bro,

This is great communication. I can't believe I've been pulled (kicking and
screaming) into the super information highway.I just recieved EMail from
Geneva,Switzerland about a
Breast Feeding problem. That is incredible to me.

Jessie is doing OK he is calling Sherry every day from school. She did find
out that he had ordered 6 movies from Pay for View the 1st 2 weeks of August.
Amy got beat up again Monday and George called me at4AM and woke me up. I
called 911 because she was screaming that he was coming back to killhe.
Sherry has her phone turned off because of all these calls so Amy is callin
George now. I told him not to call me again and gave him the number for the
police in New Port Richey. He got Sherry at 530 AM and she brought Natasha to
us and picked Amy up. As usual she stayed a few hours then went back. She
called Sherry back and said she had an appointment with a Psychiatric
hospital for evaluation. She says she is hearing voices and needs help. I
don't know if she went. Natasha seems OK but I think eventually all of this
will build up espeacially in adolecense.

I'm picking up my pictures today and will send you copys. Tell Michael to be
a scholar I need someone in this family to get rich and take care of me in my
old age.(I know you're thinking that will be soon)

Well I'm off to the wonderful grocery store. Take care Love Beth