*Mr.* Tom Hales writes:
>I noted with interest Ms. Dettwyler's  discourse concerning certain
>environmental pollutants in Cow's milk.  Being from Texas Agriculture and
>Mechanical University(Texas A&M),  more  commonly call  "Cow High" here in
>Texas,  I must with relish defer to her greater knowledge concerning
>"Bovine" specifics,  particularly Jersey, Hereford, and  "Elsie" the Bordon
>Cow.  Perhaps this predilection for agricultural studies explains their poor
>football team,  and their consistent poor showing against  TTU's excellent

OK, Tom, if you're going to get nasty, I'll have to insist you call me *Dr.*
Dettwyler.  ;)    But the question was legitimate -- how can be sure the
cows' milk that goes into infant formula isn't contaminated with pesticides
and herbicides and who knows what else?

Katherine A. Dettwyler, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology
Texas A&M University
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