Good Lord this happened recently around here. Both babies were put to the
wrong mother's breast. Then all H--- broke loose. The moms were tested for
HIV and will be tested again at 3+6 months. The situation was handles totally
wrong and the parents have filed suit. The LVN who helped with the latch on
recieved a 3 day suspension while the RN was fired on the spot. The situation
is under appeal with the RN's union. What a mess. She's the sole support of 3
kids. The docs got together and gave her enough money to get a long for quite
a while. In the meantime the RN is a basket case. She was considered
ultimately responsible (Captain of the Ship docterine) because the babies
were switched in the nursery.
A word to the wise: When you make hospital rounds always check the ID bands
BEFORE the baby is put to breast.
If they never seperated babies form their mothers in the first place this
wouldn't be a problem!
Marie Davis