I'm a LLLL and LC in private practice, also a childbirth educator who has
a good working relationship with the Birthing Center at our community
Due to the work of our Breastfeeding Coalition (PHNs, OB, LLL, local
midwives, etc), staff decided to begin assessing breastfeeds...I
suggested Mulford's system printed in JHL, but they decided to go with
the LATCH system you may have seen in JOGNN.
Now they're doing it...but now that we've got these scores, we're not
sure what to do with them!
Please talk to me about LATCH - your experiences, suggestions, etc.
For example:
    --Do you automatically refer low-scorers to an LC?
    --Do you postpone discharge based on score?
    --Do you see a correlation between FTT/slowweight gain admissions and
LATCH score?
    --Does this assessment do much of anything beyond making everyone
much more aware of what a lousy job they've been doing??
        The mothers and babies of the Brattleboro Vermont area thank you!
--Dawn M. Kersula, FACCE,IBCLC and student ADN, the Green Mtn Mama from
beautiful, cool, green southern Vermont