The WHO Code is an international agreement, signed by the
United States and other countries, which has no force and
effect until Congress acts to implement it.  Write your
Congresspersons and Senators and ask them to implement the
WHO Code.

Rachael Hamlet, queen of the law today

> Hi Lactnetters,
> I have been told that the United States has signed the
> WHO's International Code of Marketing of  Breastmilk
> Subtitutes.  This is the one regarding public advertising
> and free samples.  Is this true? Has the USA actually
> signed this document?  If so, who actually signed it?  The
> President? Unicef representative?  WHO representative?  I
> am a little confused with all the abbreviations floating
> around (BFHI, BfHI, IBFAN,WABA, etc) that I am not
> altogether sure what has been signed, approved, ignored by
> the US government. Can someone clairify for me?   Thanks!
> Kathy Koch
> LLL Leader
> [log in to unmask]
> Oak Harbor, WA