The full reference for Miriam Labbok, Kristin Cooney & Shirley Coly's booklet
on LAM is as follows:
     Guidelines: B/F, Family Planning & the Lactational Amenorreah Method -
LAM, 1994.  Published by Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetwon
University, Dept. of OB/GYN, 2115 Wisconsin Ave, NW, 6th floor, Washington,
DC, USA  20007.
     You may reproduce  it if you acknowledge the source & distribute it free
of charge.  The full text is also available in the LLLI booklet containing
the reprints, handouts and notes from sessions at the  recent conference in
Chicago.  I don't know if LLLI is still selling the booklet, but I found it
has lots of useful b/f stuff in it.

Ro Andersen, IBCLC
Ro [log in to unmask]
Winchester, Massachusetts