As a new Lactnetter (what a brilliant service :-) )I'm really enjoying the
way the world is opening up to us.  I've been able to decipher most of your
unusual spellings (like mom!) and abbreviations, however, ABM has got me
stumped. I realise it means formula, but what do the letters stand for, is
this new and why the change?
What's MS? ?medications

Also someone else has also suggested this and I think it's a great idea -
putting where you live after your name.  I'll have to get out a map of the
US and plot where everyone lives.  I'm sure my knowledge of American
geography will improve dramatically.

How do I access backcopies of the Digest?  I know, I really do have my job
cut out for me keeping up with current editions, but I'm going on holidays
next month and may like to catch up with what I'll miss.

What does 'special edition' on some Digests mean?

Love hearing from you all

Denise Fisher
Brisbane, Australia
(PS I'll drop the reference to Australia soon and expect you all to remember
where Brisbane is)