Hello All!
I tried setting myself back to digest and it looks like AOL has fixed the
Boy am I glad!  Individual mail is a pain, for me anyway!  I look forward to
getting back in the swing of things here on Lactnet!
I do have a question for y'all, though.  I have a WIC mom who smokes (I know
what you're thinking, but I'd rather have her smoking than doing the drugs
she was doing before she found out she was Pregnant!  As soon as she found
out she was pregnant, she lost ALL cravings, desires and addictions to the
drugs!)  Anyway, we were discussing the effects of nicotine on the baby
before and after birth.  We know that adults go through withdrawl when they
quit smoking, but how about the babies?  This Mom plans to BF, and knows that
some amount of nicotine will go into the milk, and it is her theory that this
will help the baby to not go through withdrawl.  She also wants to BF to
protect the baby from the effcts of smoking (respitory illnesses, etc. ).
 She will not smoke around the baby to help reduce 2nd hand smoke problems.
 So, anyway, I have to kind of agree with he rhtoery about babie and
withdrawl from nicotine, how 'bout you?  I'd be interested in any research
that there might be out there on this.
TIA and glad to be back!