Dear Jackie of far away Australia:

What a exciting post you sent today. (It is dated 8/25...yet it is still
8/24 here in Mexico ! Isn't this rapid-flash communication absolutely

Please, tell more about Peter Hartmann's theory that there is no such thing
as fore and hind milk.

>Then Peter Hartmann with his wonderful work on breast emptying and his
>theory that there is no such thing as fore and hind milk!

I recently realized that all of the pro-BF neonatologists here are unaware
of the higher fat content in hind milk. Or even that fore and hind milk are
different. So I am going to show them a copy of the study done in Texas by
Dr. Richard Schanlon and Nancy Hurst about this very thing, and the
excellent results they produced in weight gain of premies by using hind

And now you say Peter Hartmann says "no such animal"?  Please set me straight!

Here's a note for Maureen Minchin:

Hello dear Maureen, from Yucatan Mexico!
It was so wonderful to have met you at ILCA...I hope you join us here on
Lactnet. It is truly a family of wonderful, diverse and sharing folk. You
would be a super-addition!


Roberta Graham, the Mexican Milk Maid
Merida, Yucatan