Hi everybody
I have been away for a couple of weeks, unplanned. Luckily I logged off
Lactnet to go skiing for a couple of days and dislocated my shoulder tearing
my supra spinatus in the process. Now I have that wonderful medical advice
to any mother "rest it and it will heal". :-(

In the meantime I have just spent 4 days conferancing with Miriam Labbok
addressing us about LAM which was really good to have some concrete stuff to
tell mums.
Then Peter Hartmann with his wonderful work on breast emptying and his
theory that there is no such thing as fore and hind milk!
Finally and very interesting was the last 2 days on Breastfeeding Prem
babies at one of our big city hospitals. The Kangaroo care work and the milk
bank process done by Andrew Whitelaw in Oslo is very encouraging for us in
Australia trying to start up a milk bank again.

Finally I am going to be showing Maureen Minchin around Lactnet on monday
(she is itching to have a go!) and wonder if anyone would like to post a
message to her.

Now to the mundane things in life, grocery shopping!
See you