Hi Everyone!
My name is Tiffany.  I have been lurking for quite awhile and loving every
minute of it.  I am really learning alot!  Iam an LLL leader.  I have a four
year old and a ten month old.  My husband is very patiently teaching me all of
the internet tricks.  I have a question about tracheal malacia.  I am not sure
if this is spelled correctly.  My co-leader is an LC without internet access.
She has recently worked with two babies with this problem.  Both have a poor
latch and trouble staying latched on. They also have trouble coordinating
suck,swallow,breath.  They only sleep for very short period times.  She is
looking for any suggestions that might help these babies.
           Tiffany (one who feels no need to put little letters after my name)