Subject:  Hola de Mexico

Dear Mexican Milk Maid!

Glad to see that someone from Mexico is on line. Although I am not
responding to your request, I am however interested in some
information from you. Would you be willing to inform me of any
International Code of marketing of Breast-Milk Substitutes violations
by the major companies - nestle, Abbott, Mead Johnson, Wyeth etc.
This information is needed by our IBFAN (International Baby Food
Action Network code monitoring programme. Also as Canadians we are
very interested in knowing how and if the North American Free Trade
Agreement impacts on marketing practices, breastfeeding protection
regulations and breastfeeding promotion.
If you are interested in responding, you can do so through our INFACT
Canada "RAT" page on our WEB Site located at:
Or you can e-mail me at  [log in to unmask]
 Best wishes in building the breastfeeding cadre!

Cheers from Canada
Elisabeth Sterken